1 1/2 bags of frozen spinach (about 3-4 cups), thawed
2 shallots chopped
2 tbsp. garlic chopped
olive oil
Fry the shallot and garlic in the olive oil. If you're adding bacon, then chop it into small squares and add it at this time. I wouldn't add more than 1.5 to 2 strips, so that the bacon flavor doesn't overpower the other lovely but subtle flavors. Thaw the frozen spinach in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Add to the garlic/shallot fry and continue to fry the spinach until cooked. If using bacon, then wait until the bacon is cooked to add the spinach.
For the egg batter:
9-10 eggs
1 cup ricotta cheese, strained overnight in a strainer placed over a bowl so excess water is extracted
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
salt to taste
1 tsp. black or white pepper
1 tsp. dried rosemary
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Mix the ricotta and Parmesan together until incorporated. Add the eggs and beat with a hand mixer until you get a smooth yellow batter. Add nutmeg, salt, pepper, and rosemary to season once the batter is smooth. Once the spinach is done, let it cool for 5-10 minutes and fold it into the egg batter. Make sure it's not piping hot, so it doesn't scramble the egg in your batter! Mix it together with your spoon.
Rub the bottom and sides of a 9x15 baking pan with a thin sheen of olive oil. Pour the batter into the pan. Bake on the bottom rack of the oven for approximately 40 minutes or until browned on sides and fork in center comes out clean.
Some variations might be cutting onion into strips and caramelizing it, and then adding it separately to egg batter from cooked spinach. Caramelized onion would be awesome in this recipe, especially if you add bacon.
You can serve with Tabasco and sour cream, or just Tabasco.
Seems doable, will give it a shot
ReplyDeleteWould you believe, I came across your blog while looking for a quiche recipe! How weird is that!!
ReplyDeleteThe quiche sounds interesting, will give it a shot and let you know how it went!
Can't wait to try it! CB
ReplyDeleteThis was for dinner today - well with some changes; red onions for shallots, shredded paneer for ricotta & sriracha for tabasco. And halved everything :) Basically going with what was available!
ReplyDeleteAdults liked it. Kids were resistant to visible greens, as usual!
I got pics - but don't know how to upload on comments. Will post on your fb page.
ReplyDeleteyayyy makes me so happy. The quiche with paneer sounds amazing--will have to try that sometime.